Batman Arkham Asylum has been released for the PS3, Xbox 360 and will be released shortly for the PC.Could it be the best super hero games ever made?, read the review and give me Your opinion.
Story: The plot is based loosely on the Arkham Asylum miniseries written by Grant Morrison.While some plot points are taken from those miniseries.
The story begins with the Joker, having been captured once more by Batman, being dragged back to his cell in Arkham Asylum.
Joker escapes custody and his goons flood the island, taking over.Joined by his..."girlfriend", Joker assumes the title of warden and plans to bring mayhem to Gotham.
So, with many inmates free from their cells and many more goons freed from Blackgate prison, its all up to Batman to stop the Joker's "Dark Reign". All in all, an enjoyable story and well worth playing through.
Gameplay: This game has the most addicting, amazing, astonishing, and animated gameplay of any game out this year thus far.
Basically, the game takes elements from things like: Zelda, Metal Gear, Metroid Prime and Dead Space.It takes all these different types of games, throws them in a blender, and what comes out is one amazing experience.
What makes this game great for completionists are the riddler challenges.Each room has a riddle to solve, which means you have to scan the answer to the riddle in detective mode. There are also chronicles of arkham to discover, which are diary entries of the asylum's founder, Amadeus Arkham.
Unfornately, this game is too short.
Sound: The music is incredible, it sounds like music in a batman game should sound.A few themes seem to be inspired by the movies. If You follow the Batman animated series You will find some familiar voice from the animated series itself.
A Batman fans will not be dissapointed again and again.
Author: albert